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Mercurius politicus, Number 375, 6th-13th August 1657 E.195[20]

did swimme to Land the rest were taken. The English
ships have order, to fall on all such ships as come from the
West-Indies, whatever commodities and wares they be laden
with; also to take and to send them up, which is the reason why
divers of the Holland ships have been visited. The setting out
of the Army is profecuted with all eagerness, to which end order
was given to the Duke of Medina Celi, to be ready to
take the Field. The Army which was encamped in Portugal,
having taken several Town and Forts, is retreated, not being
able to continue in action by reason of the great heat.
From Gottenburgh in Sweden July 11.
An Account of the forces prepared in Sweden. This is
the condition and these are the heads of out militia here in
Sweden. The Earle Charles Leueahaupt commandeth the
Militia at Stockholm. The Field Marshal Lilly, Commandeth
the Militia at Calmar, the Rix Marshal Connt Brahe
and Major General Henry Horn the Militia at Wexw, where
the Army lieth. Colonel John Stake is in a very good posture
with his Army about Wenersburgh. The Count Gustavus
Gabrielson Oxensteirn Commandeth the Militia in Wermeland.
Major General Herald Stake commandeth an Army of
Voluntiers, consisting of 4000 men in Westergothland and
stayeth for order form Marshal Douglas who is newly arrived
there out of Prussia. The Earl Erick steinbock commandeth
the Militia in Halland. The Governor Ribbini, with the Cojonels
Benedict Lilihenre and Drakenberg command the Militia
here. Those that work in the Coppermines, make up
above 3000 men of Foor, and four squadrons of horse. The
Danes have not as yet effected any thing considerable, sin[unr]e
their Declaration of the War. The Viceadmirall Henry
Gerick maketh a fleet ready of ten men of War. From
England are 3 Merchantmen arived here, with a strong Convoy.
All things, thanks be to God, go very well here. In
Norway there be no considerable forces on foot. Major
Generall Herald Stake shall go to Christiana: So that when
all these gallans men shall enter into Action, they will give
enough to do to the Danes, who at length may regent to have
begun this War.
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