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Mercurius politicus, Number 375, 6th-13th August 1657 E.195[20]

reside and stay there for to uphold the jurisdiction of the Saltpits,
and another commissioner for the King of Hungary shall
be present also for to receive all the revenews and Profits.
5. The Nobility of Poland shall enjoy their free Election,
upon condition that instead of the Ingellan House, the proceeding
shall be in favor of the House of Austria, so that always
one of the Austrian Family shall be elected King of Poland.
Another from Dantzick July 28.
We have parties go out every day against the Swedish, Sometimes
they have good success, and at other times they lose. We
are told that the Prince Elector of Brandenburgh will, upon
advantagious conditions, declare himself either for the Polonian
side, or to stand Neuter, how true tis, we Know nor. The
Bishop of Ermerland, on the behalf of Poland, and Baron Isola
on the behalf of the King of Hungary, and other Potentates,
have importuned his Highness thereunto, but the French Embassador
and the swedish endeavor much on the other side, to
keep his Electoral Highness on the Swedish side: France proffereth
a good sum of money to his Highness, if he will be constant
to the Swedish side. It is a business very doubtfull which
way he will encline. The Smal Towns in Prussia are Slighted,
the better to preserve Elbing, Thoren, Marienbnrg and Graudentz.
We long to heaa of the Event of the King of Denmark
his Forces and the Swedish.
From Hamborough July 27.
The King of Sweden is arrived with his Forces here abouts,
but we cannot learn, how numerous they are: His Majesty
was in Person at Altena, two days ago: his forces lye at this
present about Ottensen; in parties they come to this City for
to buy necessaries; they are full of moneys. The Danish forces
had an encounter with the Swedish about Llugbuttle, but
were overpowered by the Swedish, who deteared the Danish
party; on each side were fline about 50 or 60 man. The Danish
have entronched themselves before the Bridge at Ueusen. It
is reported, that the Swedish Army is to march this night;
some remakable business may be expected very shortly.
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