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Mercurius politicus, Number 375, 6th-13th August 1657 E.195[20]

The Danish forces that were landed in the Island Rugen
have quitted the Island, after they had taken some provision
form thence. It is very confidently reported, that the King
of France hath made over for the King of Sweden 3 or 400000
rixdollers to be paid to him, which money will be most welcom
at this present time. It is reported here also, that some Bills of
Exchange are coming from France to be made over to Koningsberg
for the Prince Elector of Brandenburgh to induce
him to hold out against the Polonian Forces. If so, than all
the Reports of his declining the Swedish Party will come to
From Sedan, August 7. S. N.
On the 1 of this month her Majesty of France want forth
into the Park, to meet Madamoiselle eldest Daughter to his
Highness Royal the Duke of Orleans, who came in her)
Coach, attended by many persons of high quality. She alighting
went and performed her respect at the side of her Majesties
Coach, and then took place by her being by the whole
Court conducted to the Castle with all demonstrations of
good affection, after a long absence through discontent. She
was brought to the lodging prepared for her, and there received
visits from all persons of honor.
Yesterday, the Chevalier de Grammont come from the
King, to give her Majesty an Account of the taking of Montmedi.
From Algier, 5 July.
The great Turk hath sent order that five men of Wair be
equipaged and sent from hence with all speed to constantinople,
lately one Pyrat running or failing against the other,
sunck one another, not farr from this place
From Madrid in Spain, 11 June.
His Majesties Army which encamped about Olivenzs
against the Kingdom of Portugall, and is commanded by
General Don Vinconte Conzaga is retreated into Gallicia by
reason of the great heat of the season; when that heat is over,
then they will be abroad again upon action.
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