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Mercurius politicus, Number 375, 6th-13th August 1657 E.195[20]

From Sevile in Spain 13 July.
We have received newes form Majorca, that the Dutch
Vice Admiral Ruyter hath been victualling himself there, and
the 12 ships that are with him, and is fince gone to the Coasts
of Barbarie. The English Frigots lately searched a Holland
ship about the haven of Ayamonte, which was transporting
about 400 passengers out of the Canarie Islands, and bound
for Cadiz.
From the French Leagure before Alexandrie
in Italy, July 27.
On the 23 instant, the Enemies making a salley were repulsed,
and forced to quit a Redoubt which they had taken
from ours.
The next day, about ten a Clock in the morning, they
made another salley out upon the Post of the Prince of Conit,
but notwithstanding that by reason of the excessive raine
which fell the night before, the Soldiers could not make use
of their Musquets, and stood up to the knees in water, yet
with only sword in hand they with extraordinary courage
repelled the Enemy, following them up to their very Barriere,
with notable loss to them insomuch that ours have thereby
gotten a good opportunity to carry on our works for Battery.
On the 25 the Duke of Modena was about one a clock in the
morning to visit the works, having the day before lost divers
of his men which were fallen upon by the Enemy.
Yester[unr]night the Batteries being brought to a good pass
they began immediately to play the great guns with success.
Our Forces have in a short time made so near an Approach,
that they are not above 30 paces from the Half Moon, to
which an Assault will be given this night.
Another from Turin in Savoy, July 27.
Yesterday, Christina Queen of Sweden arived in this City,
and she intends to depart hence on Monday next to goe to.
wards Lyon; but which way then, we know not.
From Nancy in Lorrain; August 4.
On the 29 of the last month, the Marshall of Grammons
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