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Mercurius politicus, Number 375, 6th-13th August 1657 E.195[20]

arived in this City, and next day the sieur de Lyonne, joynt
Ambassadors employed to be present at the election of the
New Emperor at Franct rein Germany. They were received
with the noise of our great guns, and the attendance of our
whole garrison in Arms, and afterwards nobly treated by the
Count of Brinon the Kings Lievtenant in this Province. At
Toul the Marshal of Gramment having received orders from
the King, caused the Abbot of St. Eure to be arrested, for
having held correspondence with the Cardinal de Retz.
From Rome, July 17.
Little Newes is Stirring here; the Pestilence is yet at a stand
not above 14 persons having dies this week; which gives
hope, that we may be freed wholly from it; but the case is
very sad still at Genoa; and at Naples it begins to spread
The new Cardinal Chisi, Nephew of the present Pope, is
made Vice-Chamberlain.
The Duke of Terra Nova Ambassador of Spain, went
hence the 10 instant being to imbarque at Palo in 2 Gallies,
which are to carry him into spain.
From the Duke of Curlands court at Mittaw July 10. S. N.
I have nothing of news to impart from these parts, but
what you may have more certain and particularly from Hamburgh
and those parts of Action, as well thereabouts, as in
Poland and Prussia. From Mosoovia we understand, by a
Gentleman lately arrived thence, that that Nation in general
doth much incli[unr]e to peace with the swedes, and that they
seem very glad of the Mediation of his Highness the Lord
Protector, for the Composition of that Quarrell, for that
they are not only weary of the swedish War, but also extremely
enraged against the Poles for their unworthy and
deceitfull dealing with the great Duke, who is resolved with
all the Forces he can make, to enter, burn and ruine them and
their Country; and theresore hath appointed no more than
200 men for the succour of his Frontier Garrison in 1 iefland,
intending only to act [unr] that he may
[unr] the Poles.
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