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Mercurius politicus, Number 375, 6th-13th August 1657 E.195[20]

A Treatise Shewing the Subordination of the will of Man unto the
Will of God. By that cminently Godly, Able, and Faithful Minister of Christ,
Will Strong, lately of the Abbey at Westminster Sold by Francis Tyton at the three
Diggers in Fleetstreet, near the Inner-Temple Gate.
From Lisbon in Portugall, July 19.
On the 11. of this Month, the Sieur de Cominges, ambassador
extraordinary from the King of France, arrived in the
Road of Cascates, where the next day he was welcomed by
all the great gnns from the Forts, as he entred the River, and
came betwixt Belin and this City before Alcantara, where
the same Evening he landed in great state, and received all the
Complements of the great ones of this court. On the 16 he
made his solemne entrance. On the 17 the Marquis of Nice
Admiral of this kingdom went and received him in one of the
Kings Coaches, and conducted him to the Palace, where he
walked through a great number of Officers and Soldiers, with
Drums beating; as he passed through the great Hall to have
Audience of their Majesties, who having heard him with
much satisfaction, did afterwards make profession of their resentment
of the great obligations laid upon them by their
Majesties of France in the present Embassie, as well as in
many other Particulars.
From Paris, August 11. S. N.
As touching the siege of Montmedi, it is now over. The
manner thus.
On the 4 instant, our Mines under the Bastion being made
ready, it was thought fit first to send a Summons to the Governor
to surrender; which he refusing to do, the mines were
sprung about ten a clock in the morning, and so great a breach
thereby made in the Baston, that four men a breast might
enter, and an assault was immediately given; in which action
the Governor was Shot, and died about four hours after, encouraging
his men with his last breath, and exborting his
Lieutenant, and the other Officers to stand out to the ulmost
point of extremity.
On the 5 in the evening, the Marquis of Bellesone, Lieutenant
General was shot by a Musket in the head for which he
is under cure, and nath already had the Trepan used to him.
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