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Mercurius politicus, Number 375, 6th-13th August 1657 E.195[20]

Quarters not farr from this City, in the hills near the River
Elbe, and they extend as farr as newstad. The same day, 300
of the Danish horse scouting about to observe the motion of
the Swedes Army, retired to their main body, to acquaint them
how fast the Swedes came on, who thereupon retreated to
Elmenshorn and from thence to Itzkow, where they lie in a
new Trench made sufficient to shelter a whole Army. The
Swedish Army removeth after them toward Itzkow.
Yesterday, the Swedish Field-Marshal Wrangel croffed over
into the Dutchie of Bemen with his forces.
The Danish Fleet continueth upon the Baltick Sea; and the
Swedish fleet is expected ere long to engage them being ready
to put out to Sea.
The young Prince of Brandenburgh being baptized, is
named lewis-Frederick.
From the English Forces, encamped near
Vervins, August 10. S. N.
Our General hath been but very newly advertised by Monsieur
Schomberg (who came from his Highness Marshal de
Tureine) that we are to morrow morning to march toward
Guise, with the four Regiments of horse lately joyned with
There being lately betwixt 60 and 70 of our Soldiers Sick,
they were Sent from the Camp to St. Quintin to quarter there
for their better accommodation; in the way they were fell
upon by the pretended D. of York. Ours, to save themselves,
got into a house, which they defended very well for a long
time, until they were overpowered by numbers: and at last,
they rendred themselves upon promise of quarter. The pretended
D. would afterwards have forced them to have listed
themselves in his brother Charls his service; but they utterly
refused it. Whereupon he very in uminely killed one of them
with his own hands in cold bloud, and crused the rest to be
misused most miserably. And this is the great busines that
those in Flanders do brag of, that they had taken a Castle
which 200 English betrayed to them, and afterwards listed
themselves in their service.
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