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Mercurius politicus, Number 375, 6th-13th August 1657 E.195[20]

Whitehal, August 10.
Last night came news, that some of our Ships, more soul
then the rest, were returning home, together with General
Blake himself, from the Coast of Spain, he being sick nigh
unto death
This morning came the unwelcome news of the death of
that gallant General; a man of great honor, that had wholly
devoted himself to the service of his Country, and who gave
many proofs of an extraordinary courage and conduct, in actions
both by Sea and Land. He hath been along time decaying,
and in his return being come to the Lizzard Point, finding
himself to fail, he called several of the Commanders of
the other ships aboard his own, to conser with them; afterwards,
drawing on towards his last, he willed them to bear up
with all speed for Plimouth, hoping to have reached Land before
his death; but in the very entrance into the Sound of
Plimouth he expired. His body being imbowelled, and closed
in a sheet of Lead, the Bowels were interred there in the Cathedral
Church, and his Corps were sent along will the ships
toward the Downs. The fleet remains Still upon the Spanish
Aug. 11. This day we had an account also touching the
death of Vice Admiral Badiley, who hath been some time absent
from sea, by reason of indisposition of Body; and of
late going to the Wa[unr]rs in hope of recovering health, he
decayed more and more, and hath exchanged this life for a
Aug. 12. Intelligence was brought, that the ships which
arived lately at Plimouth, were come into the Downs to Gen.
Mountague, and had brought the Corps of Gen. Blake thither.
Also, that the ship lately taken as the returned form the Canaries,
with the Spanish Officers, hath aboard her in plate, &c to
the value of about 80000 l, and also the said officers.
This week also arived in the Downs, an Ambassador Extraordinary
from the King of Portugal, by name Don Francisco
de Mello General of the Artillery in that Kingdom, Who is
come since to Graves-end, and from thence he shortly cometh
to London.
Landon Printed by Tho Newcomb dwelling in Thames-street over
against Bainards Castle.
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