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Mercurius politicus, Number 598, 8th-15th December 1659 E.195[45]

Numb. 598.
Mercurius Politicus.
The sum of Foreign Intelligence, with
the Affairs now foot in the Three Nations
For Information of the People.
Published according to Order
From Thursday Decemb. 8. to Thursday Deceomb. 15. 1659.
From the Hague, Dec. 12. S. N.
THe Portugal Ambassador is yet at Delfe, where
he is entertained by the Town Magistrate, who
is coming hither tomorrow. It is expected
that he will propound more accommodable
The Swedish Minister, Monsieur Coyes, hath had no answer
as yet from the Lords States General, neither are there
any Commissioners appointed for a Conference.
Here is expected an Ambassador from Coppenhagen; and
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