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Mercurius politicus, Number 598, 8th-15th December 1659 E.195[45]

till he arive, hardly will any thing proceed to purpose con concerning
From the River of Rhine, 25 Nov.
Letters from Paris say, that the Peace and Marriage being
concluded on, France, in pursuance hereof, is to restore
the following places, viz. In Catalony, Roses, and Capadequiers;
in Italy, Valence, and Mortare; in France, Comte,
Balteran, St. Amour, the Castle De Joux; in Flanders,
Bergen, La Basse, Ypre, Dixmeuden, Oudenard, and
Fern: On the other side, the Spanish are to resotre to France,
in Italy, Verceil; in the Neatherlands, Hesden, Chasteler,
Rocroy, Linkamp, Philippeville, Marienburg, Avesnes,
and Gulick, which last is to be resotred to the Duke of Newburg:
Rousillon the French are to hold, with a part of Cerdaign
in Catalonia, situated by the Mountains toward France:
The Dukedome of Bar is to remain in the Crown: The Fortifications
of Nancy in Lorrain are to be demolished, The
French are to keep Clermont, Stenay, Jamatz, and Moyenvy,
belonging to Metz. Spain hath renounced Alsatia. The
French are to keep in Lutzenburgerland, Montmedy, d'Amvilliers,
and Thionville; in Henengaw, Lendrecy; in Flanders
Greveling and St. Venant; in Artois, Hesdin, Bapaume,
Bethune, and Arras: The Prince of Conde is to be Governor
of Burgundy, and his son is to have the Charge of the
Grand Master of France.
The Scotish Kings Business is Private, and little talked of;
the Duke of Lorrain is provided for, but not fully satisfied,
therefore at the winding up of the Treaty, his Cousin the
Duke of Guise Protested against all those things done which
are intrenching on his pretensions, which he must obtain
when he can, and in the mean time be content with the terms
alforted him by the two Crowns.
From Vienna, 28 Nov.
The troubles coming on in Transylvain by the Turk, are
the cause why his Imperial Majestx cannot yet come hither
from Presburgh, and they have proionged Consultations at
the Hungarian Dyer,
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