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Mercurius politicus, Number 598, 8th-15th December 1659 E.195[45]

The Turky Letters indeed make us believe, that we should
not be prejudiced, nor the peace which we have with them
be broken; but who dares trust to it? We provide upon all
occasions against it, the rather, because the Tartars have
been totally defeated by the moscovits, the like desent
hath not (is they say) been known by any Hstorical Records;
which doubtless will put a demur upon our Consultations.
The Treaty between Poland and Sweden is now ordered
to be held at Oliva, hard by Dantzick: The Imperial Garrison
in Cracovia is gone towards Pomerania.
From Christiana in Norway, 5 Novemb.
Our Army in these parts under the Command of George
Bielk, consisting of 3000 Foot and 1500 Horse, are broke up
from Holm, and we have certain news from them, that they
are come near to Grystium Broe. But the Enemy will not
keep their standing but flye from them, plundring and laying
waste the Countrey Towns and Villages that were under their
jurisdiction, and it is said, that they themselves have burnt
down Maerstrant and Cungel, because they finde themselves
not strong enough to defend those places: It is said also that
another Army intends to goe from Drontheim directly into
From Lubeck, Decemb. S. N.
The Royal Fort Demin in Pomerania, being the Key of
that Principality and of Mecklenburgh, is surrendred to the
Prince Elector of Brandenburgh, having stood out ever
since the 25 of October against the siege, laid by the Baron
Sparr, Field-Marshal of the Brandenburg hers; there marcht
out of it eight Regiments of Swedish and other forces,
and two Troops of Horse, and one sqadron of Dragoons;
their Artillery of thirty Guns, and store of Ammunition was
lest in it, and other materials; thereupon the Imperiall and
Brandenburghish forces are going to the Dukedom of Mechlenburgh,
but the Brandenburghish soldiers, are to take their
quarter in Pomerania and the Country of the Mark.
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