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Mercurius politicus, Number 598, 8th-15th December 1659 E.195[45]

four Regiments of Dragoons, and about 1600 foot, which
were dispersed among our army; the following List speaks
of the Colonels, Officers, &c.
A List or Specification of the Officers taken prisoners
from the enemy, viz.
General Lieutenant Horn
Gen. Maj. Count of Waldeck
General Major Weyer
Col. Duke of Weymer
Col. Count Kingsmark
Colonel Oevener
Col. Shonlehen
Col. Engel
Col. Peter
Col. Taub
Col. Smith
Col. Riesegrun and
Col. Zimmermen.
Young Count Wrangel
7 Col. Lieutenants
9 Majors
1 Colonel Commissary Silfman
1 Commissary Strabe
1 Commissary Wilstet
2 Field Physitians
1 General Auditor Lilienkron
2 Provision Commissaries
1 General Marshal
A List of the Regiments of Horse.
1 Life Regiment
2 Hornish Regiment
3 General Major Waldecks Regiment
4 Count Kingsmark Regiment
5 Duke Weymers Regiment
6 Engels Regiment
7 Marquess his Regiment
8 Col. Petes Regiment
9 Oeveners Regiment
10 Bottigers Regiment
11 Shonelbens Regiment
All these Regiments with
their Standards, officers,
are divided and
disposed among our
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