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Mercurius politicus, Number 598, 8th-15th December 1659 E.195[45]

The Regiments of Dragoons.
1 Palsgravish Regiment.
2 Taubish Regiment.
3 Weyers Regiment.
4 Weydenbackish Regiment.
Colonel Smith his whole Regiment; the other foot forces
were commanded men out of several Regiments in Sealand.
A List of the Guns and Ammunition found in Newburg.
2 Half Cartauns of Brass. 2 Guns of eight pound Ball.
4 Guns of six pound. II Guns of three pound.
Bullets greatand small 2263
Gunpowder 10 Centures
Match 2 great Bundles
Musket Bullets 800
Hand-Grandoes 80
Ammunition Waggons laden 28
Empty 18
Sadles and furniture for Coaches 16
Carriages for Guns, &c. 40
The Dutch account concerning the taking of Funen, in effect
Agreeth with the Danes and Swedes, which being very
large, and being strainted for room, could not be inserted.
From Hamburgh, the 29 of November, 1659.
By a Swedish hand.
The late incounter in Funen, of which, I gave you notice
in my last, is confirmed by a Letter this day come to
my hands from Elsenore, bearing date the 22 instant, where
in it is mentioned, that the Confederate Armies were twelve
thousand strong, and that de Ruyter lay with his flect in the
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