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Mercurius politicus, Number 598, 8th-15th December 1659 E.195[45]

Belt between Sealand and Funen, to hinder all correspondescy,
and during the battel, shot without intermission upon
Newburg. The Swedes were not above 2000 Horse, 600 Dragoons,
and 1200 Foot: At the beginning of the encounter,
the Swedes had much the better, routed several Regiments of
the enemies, and made great slaughter amongst them, and
were in possession at one time of near thirty of the enemies
Cornets, but were at last over powered by number, and having
no retreat, were most of them taken. Field Martial Steinback
and the Palsgrave of Sunltzbach were arived in Sealand in a
small Boat, the rest of the Officers were most of them prisoners.
Another from Hamborough of the same Date.
Since the late misfortune in Funen, his Majestie of Sweden
hath taken such order in Sealand as well as in the other Islands
that by Gods assistance, they question not to be able to oppose
the Enemy and in due time to be revenged for the last ill
success. There is this day news come from Wismar, that the
Swedish Fleet had encountred with 20 Men of Warr Danish
and Hollanders, which were lest in the Belt, by which means
they had redeemed many of our Prisoners; the confirmation
we expect with the next. It is most certain that 34 Swedish Mea
of Warr are out under the command of Sir George Ayscue
and have taken a Danish ship called the Phenix, having 42
peeces of Ordnance and 150 men upon her. Out of Pomerania
it is confirmed, that the Imperialists have quitted Ste[unr],
and are gone to their Winter-Quarters. The Brandenburgers
are upon their march towards the Mark, The Elector himself
is marched to Templin, and from thence intendeth for Berlin
to the there convened Assembly of the States of the Countrie.
From Newcastle, Decemb. 8.
Because you shall see that the Proverb, No good comes out of the North, holds
as true now as ever, and that we are not like to be without News (such as
it is) from Scotland, take notice that the inclosed is a cotish Diurnal, the first
that came forth in print at Edenburgh, commencing from Tuesday November 29.
to saturday December 3. 1659. Printed by Christopher Higgins in Harts Close
over against the Trone-church. The Title of it (as von sce) it, The Faithful
Iatelligencer; a pure Scoth Title, more sound than substance. It hath likewise
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