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Mercurius politicus, Number 598, 8th-15th December 1659 E.195[45]

answered in their timely appearance, he gave them a wetting about two of the
Clock in the Afternoon at the Parliament House (It was most Royally done) and
in a very few, yet pithy extressions, he delivered the substance of his Letter cusuing.
Now by your leave, Mr. Officer, I will set down your Letter, but being leane
of it self, I shall interland it all along with Animadversions.
My Lords and Gentlemen. (and shall please the King) having a call from God
and Man to march into England (brother Clarges knowes twas a Whistle
only from a man) to assert and maintaine the Liberty and Being of Parliament,
our antient constitution (not the old Constitution long agone, in one Thousand
six hundred Forty one) and therein the Freedom and Rights of the People of these
three Nations from Arbitrdry and Tyrannical usur pations upon their Conseiences,
Person, and Estates, and for a Godly Ministry (what is meant tho[unr] by an antient
Constitution: for, that drave away both Liberty and the Godly Ministry)
I do there fore expect from you the Nobility, Gentry and Sheriffs ([unr] friends,
then the English Officers to that antient Constitution) and each one of you, that
you do preserve the Peace of the Commonwealth in your Shire (they will not do
otherwise for a Kingdom) and I do hereby authorize you to suppress all Tumults.
Stirrings, and unlawful Assemblies (you have law lenough to do the by the
old Contitution) and that you hold no correspondencie with any of Charles [unr]
party and adherents (that would be poyson to you, ergo, you may be trusted)
but apprehend any such as shall make any disturbance, and send them into the next
Garison; and do further desire you to countenance and encourage all the Godly Ministry,
and all that truly fear God in the Land (but what shall become of us that
are afraid this is not the way?) And that you continue faithful to own and assert
the Interest of Parliamentary Government (but he sure it be according to the antient
constitution, ar is beore expressed) in your places and siation I hope my
absence will be very short (my Lord Lambers being but a Breakfast at
Berwick) but I do assure you that I will procure from his Parliament
whatever may be for the good Government and reliefe of this Nation, (but
pray you, of what date is that Parliament, 1641. 1647. or 1648?)
and doubt not but to obtain abatements in your Assess, and other publick Burthens,
(for it is fit England should pay for all) according to the proportion of England.
And what further service I may be able, I shall not be wanting in (more service
then the world is aware of) that I may promote the peace and happiness of this
afflicted people (alas poor Scotchmen, here is stark loving kindness) I shall not
trouble you farther, but beg your Prayers, and desire you to assure your selves that
(You being let loose, have leave to play) I am
I desire you to send me word
bow for you comply with
my desires.
Your Faithfully Friend
and humble Serrant, &c.
Sir, I should too much transgress the Compass of an Epistle, if I did now
give you the Answer of the Scorish Lords and Gentry to this Letter, which
is likewise recorded by the new Officer of the Pamphlets; therefore I reserve
it for the next Post, hoping to see this returned to me in the publick Prince
which is a thing I suppose you will prevail for. You may surely expect my
cookery of the residue of this Barnacle, who falls with nore anger than was
upon valiticus, himself, and upon all our party. In the mean while, know
that the Treaty is not new vampt yet, the three Commissioners of General.
Monck not being yet arived here. I am SIR
Your most humble Servant.
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