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Mercurius politicus, Number 301, 13th-20th March 1656 E.492[16]

Numb. 301.
Mercurius Politicus,
The sum of Foreine Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on Foot in the three Nations
For Information of the People.
-----It à vertere Seria }Horat. de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday March 13: to Thursday March 20. 1655.
From Norwich, March 14. 1655.
THere met here the 12. instant, the Messengers of
twelve Churches, to communicate their thoughts
each to other concerning the visible Kingdome
of Christ, and the present duty of the Saints in
reference to the present Government of the
world, about which there is such searching of
heart; and they then generally declared to each other, That
they believed Christ should have a visible and glorious Kingdom,
and also that they accounted it their duties to be subject
to the present Powers, and to pray for them; and if any should
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