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Mercurius politicus, Number 301, 13th-20th March 1656 E.492[16]

Quarters at Worstowils, and distributed others to
the rest of his Army, who going towards them,
there was on the sudden news brought, That Czarnicki
was come with a considerable Army within
a mile of them. Whereupon the King of Sweden
presently tooke Horse, taking with him the left
Wing, which was first at hand, commanded by
Generall Horne; and the right Wing being come
up to him towards the Evening, hee marched directly
against the Enemy, and gave order that the
rest should follow. And when his Majesty found
Czarnicki near to Colombi, both the Regiments of
the Quartianers, and the Major-Generall Nimerils
stood still; and those that were commanded by
the Commander Corck engaged with the Enemy
to keep them from marching. In the mean time
his Majesty put himself in order with the most of
the Horse, giving the left Wing to generall Dowglas,
and the right to the Field-Marshall Wittenbergh.
The Generalissimo Palsgrave Adolphus the
Kings brother, was so unhappy in his riding from
the King, from the left Wing to the right, that he
fell with his Horse and broke his legg. When
now the right Wing begun first to charge the Enemy,
and that his Majesty saw that the Enemy
drew towards the left hand, the King also changed
his station, and gave order to generall Dowglas to
charge the Enemy in the Flank, which the Enemy
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