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Mercurius politicus, Number 301, 13th-20th March 1656 E.492[16]

perceiving, fell presently upon the King with very
much resolution, and fought very courageously
with both the Wings; but at last was totally routed
and put to flight, leaving some Hundreds dead
upon the place, and twelve Standards, and many
of the chiefest Officers and prisoners, whereof the
Lieutenant of Czarnicki is one. The King of
Sweden pursed them for above two miles, killing
severall in the pursuit, and many of them were
drowned in the Rivers of Weyssell and Wyppera,
and other Waters whither they retreated.
This Victory of the King of Sweden against the
Poles is very remarkable; that with 5000 men, hee
should attaque the Poles, and rout them, notwithstanding
they fought it resolutely; and the more,
that he should engage Poles against Poles; which
is an high argument of extraordinary confidence
and valour. He is since marched for Reush-Lembergh
to finde out King Casimir, who is said to lye
enquartered thereabouts. Which gives us reason
to imagine, that ere long wee shall hear of notable
action, unless King Casimir decline an Engagement,
who, it is said, is somewhat distrustfull of his owne
safety; since the Quartianers who make up a part of
his Army, have once revolted to the Swedes. By
the next you may expect more.
Severall Corporations have of late addressed
themselves to his Highness for the altering of their
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