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Mercurius politicus, Number 301, 13th-20th March 1656 E.492[16]

startled with a report raised by some who envy his greatnes,
how that it was lately propounded in the Spanish Councill,
that the Count of Ognate might be sent hither in the quality
of Vicar-general, as being a person much better instructed in the
Affairs of Italy.
The Vice-Roy hath lately set forth an Ordinance, enjoyning
all the Governers and Magistrates of Towns and Cities
throughout this kingdom, to make and exact list of al the Chiefs
of Families within their severall jurisdictions, with the number
of persons in each Family, not excluding the servants, and to
send them unto him within two monthes time, under a great
penalty to such as shall neglect. This was a course taken, with
very good effect, by some of his predecessors; and he hopes it
will be no less effectuall now for the establishing of a good
Order in the Provinces, so that malecontents will not be able
to form any Parties, but he must needs receive notice of it
from such persons as are employed to keep a strict eye upon
those families.
From Perpignan, February 4.
Don Joseph de Marguerit is returned to this
City. Wee have news that Don John of Austria
is to leave these parts, to goe into Italy; for which
Journey he is preparing, with Don John de Pacheco,
and the Marquis Serra. Others say, that he is
to goe into Flanders, to take the Government
there, and that the Archduke Leopold is to be otherwise
provided for, and its thought may be Elected
King of the Romans.
From Marseilles, March 7.
On the One and twentyeth past, here were two
persons apprehended in this City, who were sent
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