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Mercurius politicus, Number 301, 13th-20th March 1656 E.492[16]

hither by the Pirates of Mojorea, to spy out what
Barques and Vessels are to bee set out from hence,
and in what Equipage, that they may know how
accordingly to doe mischief.
On the first of this month, here were two Prises
brought into this Port by some Vessells belonging
to this place.
On the fourth, a Barque arrived here, which
brought Advise, that the Spaniard have sent Order
into all their Ports, by no means to permit any ship
of War to goe forth, unless they have a Commission
against the English.
From Genoa March 1
The Switzers who were in the service of the Republick, are
to march this day towards their own Country to assist their
Friends there, in case they be not stopped by the News newly
come, that they are ordred to stay at Lugano till further order,
and untill it may be known what the Issue will be of the
present Treaty betwixt the two quarreling Parties.
We are sending a Galley and some Barques to the Isle of
Minorca, to trie whether they can recover the 60 pieces of
Ordnance which were in a Frigat of ours that was lately cast
away upon that Coast.
The Spanish affairs in the Territory of Milan are in no very
good condition, for want of men, money and Corne, wherof
there is so great scarcity that the Country people have not
where with all to sow their Lands, so that they are constrained
to give over Tillage in most places. Besides the Levies which
the Spanish Governer the Marquis of Caracene sent for to
Tyrol, are not yet upon their march, so that he is fain to send
to hasten them away.
In the mean time, being now to give over that Government
and fearing left he should leave but an ill savour behind him,
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