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Mercurius politicus, Number 301, 13th-20th March 1656 E.492[16]

because of his ill conduct and management of Affairs in the
last Campagne, he hath used all means to Court and gaine
the hearts of the Nobility and gentry, that they may give a
good Report of him, but more especially, that he may induce
them to consent to the reimbursing of those 70000 Crowns
which he pretends are due to him, as well for his Arrears as
for certain summs of money by him disbursed. If this be not
yielded to, its said, that he will retain the 50000 Crowns
which were sent him last week by the Vice Roy of Naples, toward
the Charges of the next Campagne.
The Duke of Modena is making Preparations of warr to
joyn with the French in those parts,
We are advised by letters from Madrid, that the King and
Queen of Spain are removed thence to their Palace called
That a Gentleman came to them out of Flanders from
Arch Duke Leopold, to desire his Majesty of Spain, that he
would be pleased to approve the Resolution taken by the said
Arch Duke to return into Cermanie, to the end he may take
care of his Bishopricks which suffer much at this time by
reason of the whole Countries being in Arms. The Gentleman
is returned with this Answer; That his. Majesty of Spain is
still very desirous, that the Arch Dukes Highness would be
pleased to continue in that place his good service which he hath
alwaies rendred to the Spanish Crown; however, if he intended
to leave it, his Majesty would by no meanes detaine him
from the observation of his own Reasons, and the taking of
such Courses as he conceives may be of more Advantage to his
said Highness.
That at the same time when this answer was given, a Courrier
was immediately dispatched away to Don John of Austria,
to Order him to pass with all speed into Italy, and from thence
into Flanders, to take care of that Government in the room of
the Arch Duke. Order was sent likewise by the same to the
Marquis of Mortare, to take the Charge of the Vice Royship
of Caralonia, in the absence of the said Don John of Austria.
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