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Mercurius politicus, Number 301, 13th-20th March 1656 E.492[16]

Lords of Rome to prepare other divertisemeats for her likewise,
the Princess of Rossano is making great Provisiion in[unr]
Palace of all manner of delights for her entertainment, during
the Carnaval.
From Paris March 21 Stilo novo
We have here great News of the Success of the Swedish
King against part of the new Forces of the King of Poland. It
is said, they were betwixt 7 and 8000 on the Polish Kings side,
and those on the Swedish side were not all come up to the
King, who had not above 5000 present with him, and those
most of them Polanders, of that sort of military men which
are called Quartians, and most of the Soldiery of the other
side were also of the same Tribe, so that being now become
Enemies, they fought with the more eagernes against each other,
and made a very fierce Encounter. The Victory falling
to the Swede, the Remainder of the Polish Army retired with
their King, after his wonted manner. The next Advance of
the Swedes is against the City of Lublin a place well manned,
and notably fortified. This prosperity of the Swedegrates hard
here upon the Ears and hearts of the Jesuits and Clergy.
An ordinary Ambassador arived here last week from Savoy,
who hath had a very honorable and favorable reception from
his Majesty. His busines is not commonly known; but tis beleeved,
that he is to treat about the march formerly propounded
to his Majesty, as also negotiate touching the disposing
and paying of those Savoyards which are to be employed together
with the French in Italy against the Spaniards this next.
Campagne; as also to rep[unr]esent the sence of the Duke of
Savoy, concerning the Generallship which hath remained
[unr] disposed of since the death of Prince Thomas, late Uncle to
the Duke of Savoy.
Here is arived likewise the prince of Contin[unr] from Catalonia,
who is made grand Master of France in place of the deceased
Prince Thomas. The Cardinall being (as is said) not li e to
cavry the Generallship of the Italian Forces to be conferred
on the Duke of Modena, by reason of the competition and
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