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Mercurius politicus, Number 301, 13th-20th March 1656 E.492[16]

should be published and accepted of all, and all invectives
and calumnies rigoursly punished and forbidden. That
the Commerce should be established, the places taken restored,
and the new fortifications demolished; and that for that end
the Mediators should goe from place to place untill a total
demolition of them. That the charges of the warr should be
moderated by the right, and the Soldiers disbanded. The
Sessions are to begin on the 23 instant stilo novo at Baden,
where the whole will be debated, and they shall endeavour to
compose amicably that difference. Master Pell; his Highness
the Protector of England, his Resident, is come again from
Geneva to Zurick, where he hath been welcomed, being loved
and esteemed of all, for his great Zeale and knowledge in
management of the affairs of that state. He hath brought
Letters from his said Highness to the Protestant Cantons,
but we know not the contents.
From Dalkeith March 8.
I send you the enclosed Overtures, that you may see what
hath been published here by some of that party of Ministers
who are distinguished from others by the name of Publick-Resolution
Overtures propounded from the satisfied party of the General
1. THey are contented to interpret that Article in the
Covenant relating to their King and his prosterity, to
be but onely personall, and that their meaning was no otherwise.
2. They acknowledge the present Government as it is
established in the person of the Protector, to be most lawfull,
and no usurpation.
3. They are content to live peaceably under the present
Government, and do offer to pray for the Establishing of the
same, Conditionally they will give them the liberty of a Generall
From Paris another. The Sieur De Brilhac, Secretary of the Embassie
into Switzerland, is come to bring their Majesties the news of a
Conclusion of the Peace betwixt the Cantons, which was signed on the
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