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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

From Paris, August 15. S. N.
We have newes from Court, that an Express is
arived there from the Emperor, to demand of the
King pay [unr] of the 3. Millions of Crownes,
which he is obliged to do by the treaty of Munster,
or else that he surrender up Brasde all Alsatia.
This hath given occasion to the Enemies of France
to have Rumons, that the Emperor intends to send
an Army for the [unr] of [unr]
From Marseilles they write, that the Count of
Carces had by Order from the King arrested the
Marquis of Chasteau reynaut, he being suspected of
holding Intelligence with Cardinal de Rotz, who
is his Kinsman. At the time of his apprehension
Letters were found about him from the said Cardinal,
he is sent prisoner to Chasteandy, and order
is given to the Parlement of Aix to proceed against
him upon Interrogatories.
The Resident of England hath had Audience of
the King lately, but upon what occasion is not
Here are Reports, that the Prince of Conde enclines
to releasing of Marshall de la Ferte, on his
[unr] upon conditions of paying 300000 Livres
Ransom, of retiring to Nancy in Lorrain till the
business of the Generall Peace come to some Conclusion,
and never to bear Arms more against him.
But for this we have no further ground than Report
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