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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

We have [unr] here from St Quintin and Gulse
of the 12 instant, which relate, that Conde is like
to be lost, having upon Treaty with the Enemy,
accorded to surrender on the 12, or 13, instant, in
cafe Relief come not before that time.
On the 9 instant, the Deputies of the Assembly
of the Clergy went, with the Chancelor, to consider
of the differences and quarrels which they have
against those of the Reformed Religion, the King
having deputed the Chancelor to joyn with them
in the examination of that business.
It is said the Coartis now removed to compeigne
and that this Week, or the next at farthest, it will
be at Fontainblean. The Cardinal having been ill
at case of the Cout, his distemper still continueth,
It is said, the Queen of Sweden when shee comes,
shall have the Lonvre for her Residence, during her
stay here.
Madam the Dutchess of Orleans arived at Chartres
on Sunday last, in performance of a Vow which
shee made, that once every year shee will visit the
Church of Chartres, there to make her Devotion.
His Highness-Royall goeth thither to her tomorrow,
and from thence will return by Orleans to
Blois, where he intends to stay til his Majesty sends
for his; which will be when the Court comes to
Fontainblean, where his Majesty is to have a Conference
with him.
A Report runns here, that the King intends to
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