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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

summon a cons[unr]ocation of the three Estates of the Reason to
be held at Bious.
From Madrid the 28 of July, 1656.
Some French of note coming from Sebistian have been well
entertained in some of the Kings palaces made ready for that
purpose, and there hath been afterwards a secret conference
had with them specially by Dom Louys de Haro, concerning
the Peace between the two Crowns, upon which occasion
[unr] been order given to all the Clergy to make a prayer
of 40 houres to call for God blessing upon his Majesties
From Vienna the 36.
The Generall Enchefort is marching with 12 thousand men
towards Itally being already come to Liuts, and this Army is
to be employed against the Duke of Modena in Italie, who being
an Homager to the Emperor, had been formerly warned
with threatings to undertake, nothing against the State of
Milan, but hath despised his Imperiall Majesties orders by joyning
with the French, whose Embassador Mr. de Vignancourt
hath there upon demanded audience in this Court, to make his
protestations against these proceedings, as contrary to the
Treaty of Munster, but he hath appeared 600 late, and after the
resolution taken, which makes some feare a rupture with France.
There are still five regimens of horse, and six of foot, a listing
the money being ready for it.
From Dantzick the 28.
The Dutch Admirall Opdam, the Vice Admirall Ruyter,
and the night-Scout Tromp with many other Captains, are
at this present in this City, while in the mean time many of
our chiefest Inhabitants goe to and sro to see their Fleet. The
Last monday came here from Elbing two of the State Embassadors
to treat with this City, and it is in the meane time
reported, that they have already gone so farr with the Swedes
that the Commerce with us shall be as free as it was formerly.
From Flushing the 22 of August.
Our Ships taken at their comming from Spaine and brought
into England have been by orders of the Counsell released and
are safely arrived here.
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