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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

From Answers the 23 of August.
We are informed that the Marshall of Turenne is marching
to undertaken some designe, but the Prince of Conde is resolved
to observe and be at his Hels with 10000 men, and interrupt
his enterprise.
From Gener August 1.
By a Vessel arived in 6 daies time from Alicant we understand
the English Fleet have been at Lisbon, and returned again
to the Bay of Cadiz.
[unr] Letters from Madrid in Spain, of the First and fourth
instant, wee are advised, that the Spanish Galleys are to take
on board 800. Foot at Malaga, to be transported to the State
Of Milan. That the great Festival of Buibaiting had been solemnised
in the presence of their Majesties of Spain and the great
ones of the Clergie; after which piece of Devorion. went to
see the Procession of the holy Sacrement in the new prisonhouse,
where the caused the prison-dores to be set open, and
so about 90. prisoners were delivered.
The Queen of Sweden, when she arived here in Port with 4
of the Popes Gallays, was salured by all the great guns round
this City, and from all the shipping. She staid at the new Mole
without landing; which she intended to have done that she
might have viewed the City, had not the Senate excused the
matter as being fearfull of contagon, nevertheless, she seemed
very much satisfied with the honors and Presents made her, although
they came without Ceremonies and Complements;
which would have been given in ample manner at another
From Naples July 31.
The mortality continues here very raging; the Vice Roy,
10 hinder as much as may be the extremury of this contagion
which is the more velement by reason of the dead Corpses
which lie unburied, hath proclaimed pardon and liberty to a
great number of slaves, and such as are condemned to the
galleys, and of others that are in prison for cupicall [unr]
and of the Bandities and Our Laws, upon condition they will
employ themselves in the interring of the dead.
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