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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

Order is given likewise to kill all Doggs and
Cats, and those Swine that run abroad, and carry
the Infection throughout the streets of the City.
so that those who went hence for security, are many
of them returned again.
From Malta, July 17.
Seven Galleys very well sitted for War, we have
sent to assist the Venetians against the Turk. And
after them we sent a Vessels with Bisket, which Vessels
returned from them with Letters dated at Cerigo;
whereby wee understand, that the Pestilence
being at Cerigo, they the next day set sail thence to
goe and joyn with the Venerian Fleet in the mouth
of the Dardanelles, where they lye in wait to engage
the Turkish Armada at their coming forth.
On the second of this month, the grand Master
of this Island fell sick, and hath grown worse and
worse, so that yesterday the Physitians were even
upon the point of giving him over; but having had
some rest the last night, they now are in some hope
again that he may recover.
From Rome, July 22.
The Pestilence which was a while confined in
that quarter of the City called Trastavers, is now
spred abroad in other places, so that the Inhabitants
being terrified, above 50000 persons are already
retired out of this City; so that the Pope hath prohibited
the sitting of any Courts of Justice, that so
concourses of people may be avoided. At Naples
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