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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

so many dye, that they have given over Registring
the number.
Before the Queen of Sweden departed hence, she
went to village the Capitoll, where those Officers
called the Conservators of the Roman People did her
the same honours as were given to the Emperour
Charls the fith, upon the like occasion.
Whirsat, August 18.
Upon Consideration of the humble Petition of the Society of Lincolns
Inn and of divers persons of quality, Inhabitants in and abont
the Fields heretofore called by the severall names of Purs field. Cupfield
and Fitchers field, and now known by the name of Lincolos Inn
fields, adjoyning to the said Society, and to the Cities of London
and Westminster, and of the Inhabitants of other places adjacent
to the said Fields, whose named are contained in a schedule unto
the said Petition annexed, on the behalf of the commonwealth
themselves, and others the inhabitants, setting forth among other
things, that divers persons have prepared very great store of Bricks
and other materials, for the execting of new building upon the said
Ordered by his Highness the Lord Protector and the Council, That
there be a way of all further Buildings, as well in Lincolns Inn fields,
as also in the fields commonly called St. Jameses fields, upon any new
foundation, and likewise of all further proceedings in any such buildings
already begun; and that it be recommended to the Justices of
the peace for the City of Westminster and Liberties thereof, to make
care, that there be no such new buildings, nor proceeding in any such
buildings already begun.
Ordered also, that it be recommended 10 his Highnesses Council,
learned to give order for a speedy and effectual prosecution to be had
against such persons as have erected, or are now erecting any new
buildings upon new Foundations, in or about the Cities of London
and Westminster, by Indictment, or otherwise as they shall judge sit;
and that Mr. Gabriel Beck do take care of this business, and of such
prosecution to be had accordingly.
From the French Camp before Valentia
in Italy, August 4.
On the 29 of this Month, the enemy instead of making a generall
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