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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

On-slaught (as they threatned) dust not adventure their
Army, but quitted their Frenches, and drew towards Mantastel,
but not without loss of many of their Reare, which the
Duke of Modena sel upon as they retreated.
On the 30, they removed to Sala, where they erected a
Bridge over the River Po and passed it yesterday to go towards
Pieve del Cairo, to make a rendezvous of all their Forces, in
the presence of the Count of Fuensaldague their new Generall.
Afterward, they intend to returne to Breme to erect another
bridge upon the same River, to the end they may cut off our
correspondence with Casal. Whatever their designes be, our
men keep very strict upon their guard, to prevent their putting
any releese into his place by stealth, seeing they have declined
the making of any Attempt by open force.
From Aix in Provence, August 6.
On the 29 of the last Month, Queen Christina of Sweden
being landed at Marseilles, our Parlament immediatly sent
their Deputies to her, to give her all demonstrations of respect
and honor. And when she made her entrance here on the first
of this month, all the eminent persons of this City, of both
sexes, went forth to meet her with Coaches and six Horses,
being followed by our five companies in Arms, who saluted
her with many Volley of shot. Then she advancing towards
the gate through which our Kings use to make their entry, she
was there welcomed by all our great guns. In the mean time,
the Consuls of this City presented themselves before her, and
iterated the same submission [unr] which they had made to her before
at Marseilles, desiring her to sit down in a Chair which they
had prepared for her under a Canopie. Then she was carried
to the Cathedrall Church of St. Saviour where she was received
by Cardinal Grimaldi our Archbishop, and conducted
then to the Archiepiscopal palace, where the Parlement, and
the other Companies, came to express their respects unto her,
during her stay here the said Cardinal treated her with all magnificence.
On Friday the 4 instant, she departed hence, having
recieved all the honors that we use to express towards our
Sovelaigne. The same day at might she lodged at Orgon about
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