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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

Seven leagues hence. The Count and Countesse of Carces do
attend her by the way of Avigion as farr as Pierrelate, where
the Duke of L Eidiguiers is to recieve her, and take care of
conducting her to Lyon.
From Elbing August 8. 1656 S. N.
The Hollanders Fleet being in the Road of Dantzick their
Ambassadors have demanded for satisfaction of their Fleet
that all their Goods may be Free, and they of their Nation
as Free Burgers, the Church restored, and those of the Reformed
religion readmitted to their office again; which doth
much trouble the Dantzickers; in the interim the Hollanders
Ambassadors are returned hither to prosecute their owne Interest
with the Swede, which if archeived, perhaps the Danczickers
may seek new friends especially as things now go, For
here wee have news of a Battel sought in Poland the 29 and 30
daies of July, on this side the Weyssel by Warsovia, where the
Tartars and Poles did set upon the Prince Elector of Brandenburghs
people, suddenly and suriously, and did them some
Damage: but putting themselves in order, and the Swedes
joyning with them, they got the Victory, 6000. are slaine
on the Poles side. Some Cannon and Bagage taken, the Horse
put to flight towards Lublin, and pursued. The King of Poland
Retired over the Bridge at Warsovia and is gon towards
Samoyske but is followed by the Swedes Generall Wrangels
and Warshaw is Retaken without stroke; the more Certainty
of things will follow when wee receive a particular Relation;
in this Encounter the Prince Electors people played their parts
well. Since the writing of the above said I have spoken with a
Burgo Master of this City who avers the News to be true, and
that the Dantzickers finde themselves perplexed between the
Swedes and the Hollanders.
From Constantinople, July 3.
The Bashaw of Damasco was sercht into the City with
great pomp, and great solemnities were made at the installing
him into the Office of grand Vizier, and presently after the
Elect was recruited with Men, Money, and other Necessaries, it
[unr] the Dandanellacs and met there with 40. men of war,
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