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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

14 Galleys, and 7 Galleasses, belonging to the State of Venice
and betwixt these two Fleets there was a great sight; the Turks
were forced to Retreat, losing 19 Ships and Galleys, and some
thousands of them were slain.
From Copenlagen, August 6.
The Ambassador of the grand Duke of Moscovia, and
our Kings Ambassador, which is going along with him to the
great Duke, have a continual contrary Wind, which is very
obstructive to their Voyage.
From Elsenore, August 7.
His Majesty of Denmark, and his Son the Prin, being gon
from hence the other day, are wel arived at the City Chiastina
in Norway. Homage was made there to the Kings son in
great solemnity.
A Large black Gelding with a white Face, and two white hinder Feet, and
that bath been lately rowled in the fore-farr shoulder, about 5 or 6 years old
at[unr] a midling Pad nagg; being a Bayish Den Sprinkled with some white hairs,
with a black Mane and Taile, and a present troubled with the Strangles, about 4
or 5 years old. Both of them strayed from Muswell Hill in Hornesey-paush in Middlesex
the 13 or 14 of this August. If any bring News of them to Mr. Prior's at
the Signe of the Nut-Tree in Bow street in Convent-garden, they shall be well rewarded.
An old Bay Golding broken kneed, almost blind, Trors and Gallops, 14 hand
high . A Chesnnet Nagg Wall eyd, a Sar in the forehead, white Feet, about 13
hands high, Trots and Gallops, lost from Beckham on Saturday night the 15
instant. Whosoever can give notice thereof, let them bring word to the Postmister
at the Dogg and Bear in Southwarke, and they shall be well rewarded for their
From the Hague, the 18.
From Dantzick they write, that the Polish and Swedish had
a great encounter, and that the Swedish had got the day.
Chmielnisky presented his service to the Swedes to help them
100000 men; the like is presented also to the Swedes by the
Prince of Transylvania. At Konigsberg, the City wals are
more strongly fortified and guarded. We hear no news how
Liestand is, or in what posture or condition. At Srettin is
arived an Ambassador from Turky. At Stoad are arived more
of English Souldiers about 600. The Emperors Forces are
marched our of Silesia, all Carriers horses were stayed for to
draw their Artillery, and are said to be marching to the polonian
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