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Mercurius politicus, Number 323, 14th-21st August 1656 E.497[10]

[unr] concerning this Design; and in the Expences [unr]
by Countries are levyed ten New Regiments.
His Imperiall Majesty, the King of Hungary, and the Archduke
Leopold went a hunting toward Hadersdorp.
From Venice August. 4,
At the recovering of the out-works before Valentia were kild
about a thousand Spanish, and almost [unr] many of the French
and about 120 men saved themselves by swimming through
the Poe, which safely came into the City. The 26. of July.
Our Fleet fell on the Turkish Fleet before Durdanelles, and
put the same to the worst, insomuch that of 94 Ships and galleys
there escaped but 14 and their Generall Bassah 5000.
Turks were taken prisoners, and 4000 were shine, and 4000
Christian slaues were released; on our side were lost and slaine
General Marcello, and about 400. men, and three ships were
burnt; for which Victory praise an; thanks were returned to
God, at which the Duke and the Senate were present.
An Advertisement of Books newly published.
Prudestination defended against Post. Destination, being an Answer
to Mrs. The Price his (so called) correct copy of sene Notes concerning Gods [unr]
of Reprebation, In which he lets much of Pelagianism, Massilianison, and Are
[unr] incorrected; published by Mr William Barlee. To which are prefixed
the [unr] of Dr Reynolds, Mr. Caundry, and Mr, Irhitfield. To be sold by George
San bridge at the Bible on Ludgate hill.
Treatile of the learned Dr. Sam Bolton, late Master of Christs Colledg in Combridge,
[unr]. The bounds of Christian Freedom; wherein the rights of the Law
are vindicated, the liberties of Grace maintained, and the Suadry late Opinions
against the Law, examined and confused; With a Tract of the threefold
Government of God with Man. Sold by Austin Rice at the three Heares in Pauls Churchyard.
Lost one of Mackery Marsh on Saturday last, being August 16 1656. A brown
may Colt about Two years and half old, with two white Feet behind, a long
[unr] a little Star in the Forehead, and hath been branded with T. G. on the neat
shoulder, but the Smith put the wrong end of the T. G. upwards If any Man can
tell any tydings of him, let them repair to one Ward a Smith in Hockney, near the
blew Bridg, he shall be well paid for his pains.
From Paris, August 19 Stilonovo.
By Letters from Marseilles wee are advised of a very grand
Victory obtained by the Venetian over the Turkish Fleet, so
that the Turks were almost all destroyed together with their
shipping, for which there hath been great rejoycing with Bonrts
and Fire works at Venice.
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