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Mercurius politicus, Number 324, 21st-28th August 1656 E.497[12]

to a Pole, but carryed it clear. For the North-Riding
were chosen the Lord Evre, Col. Lilburn,
Col. Lassels, and Mr Luke Robinson. For the
East-Riding were elected Sir William Strickland,
Mr Henry Darley, Mr Richard Darley, and Colonel
Bethel. There stood also one Cap. Bradford,
who appeared in the head of about 400 Quakers;
they would not in reference to the value of their
Estates, neither would they shout and hold up
their Hats as others did, only held up their hands
as their Leader directed them. Mr Bentley is said
to be chosen at Halifax, but at Leeds they have not
made an end of their Election, it being in dispute
betwixt Cap. Baynes and Mr Alanson.
Here followeth another Relation, setting forth the
manner of the late Fight betwixt the King of Sweden
and the Elector of Brandenburgh on the one
side, and the King of Poland on the other.
From the Suburbs of Warsovia, August 5:
Intelligence being brought of the Enemies
march by Wischera over the River Bugh, July 25.
his Majesty did command Field-marshall Wrangell
with 2000 Horse to the Prince Elector Brandenburghs
Camps, being then 3 miles distant from
the Swedish, there to joyn with some of their
Troops. The 26, the King himself followed
them with 2000 Horse and Dragooners, and foure
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