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Mercurius politicus, Number 324, 21st-28th August 1656 E.497[12]

but to fal upon the Litbuanian Camp, standing by
a bridg, and to take the same bridg and slight it,
and after wards to make his way back over the new
crected bridg of Lakroczin, and to offer battail to
the Enemy on the other side of the River, yet this
was hindred by the Polanders sudden Resolution,
which was, upon the King of Swedens march, to
Retreat to the Warsovian Suburbs Prague, and as
was said before, there to order their men in battail
to fight, which was done, and continued till dark
night. The 29 in the morning, the Canon plaid
hard on both sides, and our right Wing being commanded
by the King himself, advanced, the lest
Wing commanded by the Pr: Elrctor, stood likewise
ready, in hopes to entice the Enemies out of
their Trenches, and to bring them to battail in the
open Campagnia, yet it could not be effected; for,
the Enemy consisting of very near 200000 men,
thought to play at false game with us, and to send
through the Woods about 3000 Tartars in the
Rear of us, but this was timely prevented, they
finding stout resistance, and our Cannon bullets
forced them at last to Retreat. The Enemies not
willing to lose their advantages, the King resolved
foretreat with the right Wing, together with the
Foot and Artillery, and the Prince Elector to advance
with them left Wing; the King took his way
through the woods lying on the right hand of him
and opportunely fell upon the enemies Front, being
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