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Mercurius politicus, Number 324, 21st-28th August 1656 E.497[12]

they could retrench themselves againe, many were killed by
shot and many sought to save themselves in the River.
At last they fell into a Rout, and one party after another
sought meanes to escape by flight, and quitted the field, lost
their Sconses, and about ten pieces of Ordnance with their
Bagage, wherein God did visibly assist the Swedes with his
victorious Arm, they persued the Enemie; many of them
flying were cut down, which made the Swedes gainers of a
great booty. The Enemies Horse being thus persued, the Foot
had a free pass for their retreate, and made with all speed to
the Fridge, so that although the Prince Elector and Field Marshall
Wrangell did persue them they saved themselves on the
other side of the Bridge under protect of the Canon that
stood upon a hill, and as soon as they were passed they set the
Bridge on fire. King Cassimir went back to Warsovia, and
having sent his Queen afore about noon, he followed her with
his Troops both Dutch and Poles, leaving the City without
Garrison, and all the Canon behind him which were brought
thither from Reush Lemberg and Somoische, there being
above thirty. And thus God hath been pleased not only to
afford us this glorious Victory, but likewise to redeliver that
City into our hands, before which the Enemy during three
moneths siege had lost above 4000 men, where now the Electors
Life Guard, with some commanded Swedes are placed for
Garrison, Generall Major Beulow is Governor, and care
will be taken to fortifie and victuall the place. There is no
certain Intelligence yet of the number slain on both sides. But
at the least there were found above 5000 upon the place, besides
those kill'd in the persuir, Amongst the rest, the Lithuanian
General Genszewsky, whose body was found. The
Enemy were forced for haste to leave my Lord Count Oxenstiern,
the Governor, and Commissioner Puckett behind them.
Neither had they time to carry away the sick Wey wode
Leszinsky along with them, but lest him to our disposition.
From Venice July 28.
Wee have now received a confirmation of that signall victory
which was obtained lately at Sea over the Turks by this
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