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Mercurius politicus, Number 336, 13th-20th November 1656 E.499[17]

From Bayonne, by the last.
Since my last to you, my Letters from Spain are come to
hand, in particular by this from St Sebastians you will perceive
the haste that the Spaniard is[unr], to set forth some little
Forces to endeavor the securing of his other Fleet which
is now coming home from the Indies, and expected about
December. What Ships hee hath will bee dispatched out
upon this Service.
We have News here, the Generall Blake hath taken a ship
of advise going for the Indies, with the value of two Millions
of Quick-Silver. How true, we know not, but stay for Letters
to give us the Trueth of it.
From Vienna, October 26.
Two daies ago the Polonian Embassadors had audience
before his Imperiall Majesty which consisted only in Complements,
they gave a visite also to the Empress; and to the
King of Hungarie, all their followers are in the Germane
habit. General Hatzfeld, and General Lamboy, and many
other great Commanders are convened here, consulting
whether it were adviseable for the Emperor to accept of the
prosserd Crown of Poland. It is generally supposed that no
great haste will be made, to bee involved into such an engagement;
we are certified from Hungarie, that the Prince of
Transsilvania hath raised a numerous Armie to make an invasion
into Poland.
From Dantzick November I
Count Kening smark being calld by the King of Sweden,
out of the Bishoprick of Bremen to come into Prussia, and to
command as Generalissimo over the Swedish Camp, the said
Count collected all the Force that he could together to serve
for the prosecuting of that War, and went in a small Vessel
from Wismar, to sayle toward the Pilaw: there were 160
ther Commanders in that Vessell, and 160. Soldiers, two
hundred barrels of Gun-Powder, and other necessaries for
War, and some p[unr]ces of Ordnance; this Vessel had six great
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