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Mercurius politicus, Number 336, 13th-20th November 1656 E.499[17]

Conde, hath not yet upon his own Accounts, nor can he prevaile
with the Court, to take any course to pay the said
Ransom. He demanded, that an Imposition might be laid upon
certain Commodities, for the ransoming of him, as there
hath been for other prisoners but it would not be granted, and
therefore rather then pay it himself, he intends to render himself
at Rocroy to the Prince of Conde; of which the lesse regard
is taken, because he stands not so fair as formerly in the Opinion
of his Majesty.
On the 16 instant, the Sieur Bagni, having been long employed
from the Court of Rome as Nuncio in France, but
now recald by his holiness (who hath designed one to succed
him in this Palace) had his audience to take leave of the King
to whose presence he was introduced by the Sieur de Berlise,
Conductor of Ambassador; who conducted him likewise to
the Queen, with all the honors and Ceremonies that are used
upon the like occasion. He is preparing to be gon the next
week, his successor being on his journey hither, and it is said
that he brings him the good news of the Popes intent to bestow
a Cardinalship upon him for his good services. Also, that
he will conferr the like promotion upon his Nuntioes in Spain
and Germanie. The Nun[unr]io that resided at Florence is to remove
to Venice, and he at Venice is to go and reside with the
The Princess of Lorrain, Who was one of the Ladies of honor
to the Empresse, is now come hither, her Aunt the Dutchesse
of Lorrain having received her with the Affections of a
On Munday, Mosfieur Heffelin danced his Balet before
their Majesties, which is said to have been of rare Invention,
but that he intends to prepare one much more rare and exquisite,
to honor the Nuptials of prince Eugenius of Savoy, and
Maca moiselle de Manchini one of the Cardinals Neices, the
Articles wherof are to be signed by the Duke of Savoy.
On Tuesday, the Baron of Gourville was arrested in the
Kings name, as he was going to attend the Prince of Canti
concerning which the Cardinal hath bin with the said Prince,
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