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Mercurius politicus, Number 337, 20th-27th November 1656 E.499[19]

some others, who having bin chosen for severall places, made
choice which they would serve for, and so made way for these
new Elections, viz. For the Counties of B econ, Pembroke,
Cardigan, and Caerna[unr]von, the Town of Bridgwater in S[unr]mmersetshire,
Guilford in Surrey, and the Cities of york and
Glocester. Of which, together with the Names, expect a
more full Account before the end of this Intelligence.
From Geneva, November 5.
Those of the Fort La Tour, torment in a Diabolical manner
the poor people in the Valleys of Piemont, by murthering
and Robbing, and this they practise without any controll, and
go unpunisht, and the Friars protect these. Not long ago:,
they murthered lamentably a Protestant: This poor Man gathering
Nuts under a Tree, a Rogue comes running behinde
him, cleaving his head. Those that are Prisoners, they will
not set at liberty, and contrary to the Patent of the Duke of
Savoy, they are forced to pay Custom.
At Zurick the Popish Cantons will not heatken after any
Agreement, and the edg of the Sword begins again to cut and
to destroy.
From Hamburgh, November 11.
In Denmark all things are now quiet, and it seems that they
doe intend to apply themselves there to moderate Counsels.
Because the Hollanders have not observed his Majesties Interests
in the Late Treaty concluded at Elbing according to
their promise. It is said, that he is not well satisfied therewith,
and hath made a sharp Reproof unto his Council, for having
given their advice for the concluding the Alliance touching
the Baltick Sea. The Letters out of Prussia, by the last Post
do mention but little news; but whereas his Majesty of Sweden
hath renewed and strengthened the old Alliance with the
Duke of Brandenburgh, and followed the said Princes Forces
which were advanced and passed the Weyssel by Graudentz,
and the Polnish Army stood not far from Di[unr]shaw. It is very
probable that we shall have somwhat more [unr]re long, it is
thought that King Casimir is arived by this time at Dantzick.
Whether there may be any expedient left to make up a peace,
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