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Mercurius politicus, Number 337, 20th-27th November 1656 E.499[19]

because the French Ambassador hath bin desired once more
to come to King Casimir, it will shortly appear.
In the Imperial Court there is no resolution as yet returned
to the propositions of the Polnish Ambassadors, but it is conceived,
that it will be deferred and put off till the Arch
Duk Leopold is come back, which in all appearance cannot he
expected, before all the Princes Electors have given their advice
Postscript. Wee heare that the Canons and Ammunitions
which the Dantzickers sent to the Polish Army, hath bin intercepted
by the Swede, and that General Wittenberg, taking
the air and and going a hunting hath bin rescued out of the Polnish
hands, and set at liberty by the Cosacks, whereof we
expect a Confirmation with the next Others Letters say, that
Wittenberg is dead.
From Stockholm September 23.
This Week arived here the Earle Pontus De la Gardie with
two ships from Riga, making a large and punctuall relation
of all the passages and Occurrences, that happened during
that siege of 7. weeks, and how the Enemy hath bin constrained
at length to raise the siege and to retreat. Yesterday were
43. Colours presented to the Senators in the Castle, which
were taken from the Moscovites in severall sallyings out, and
they were placed in the Arsenall. We have Letters from
Kexholm of the 31 of September that the Moscovites retreated
also from befor Kexhmo'm, in the night, having set
their two sconces on fire, and abandoning the rest. From
Wybourg wee have news of the 4, of September that his Excellencie
the Earl of Lawenhaupt is removed with his Army
from N[unr]yen; which place he hath Garisoned with 300. men
and is incamped between Nyen and Kexholm, having provided
Nothbourg with all for[unr]s of provisions and necessaries
intending to come that day or the next to Wybourg.
From Vienna November. 6.
The Polish Ambassadors are Treated here with all manner
of respect and courtesie; but no answer hath been given yet to
their Proposals. The accepting of the Crown of Poland [unr]
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