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Mercurius politicus, Number 337, 20th-27th November 1656 E.499[19]

advisable ticklish Point, and will take up some time of Deliberation,
for, though our Clergie spur on the business, their Interest
being much concerned in it, yet it will be necessary, in so
important an Affair, first to have the Resolution of the Estates
of the Empire, that it may be known how farr they will concurre,
because the protecting of Poland cannot be undertaken
without entering upon a warr with the Swede whose Interest is
comprehended in the Peace of the Empire,
It is now taken for granted, that the Prince of Transylvania
will own the Swedish Interest.
From Coppenhaguen, in Denmark, Novemb. 3.
His Majesty of Denmark stands stil as unconcerned that the
Commotions that shake these Parts of the world, having done
nothing but set forth ten men of warr which united the Dutch
Fleet at Dantzick about 6. wees agoe, and together with the
said Fleet returned hither, without any Atchievement; and so
the Dutch Admiral, Lord Opdam, having been feasted here,
returned presently to his own Country.
The Moscovite Ambassador is still here, and is in continuall
expectation of his Secretarys return, whom he sent a while
since with Letters to the great Duke, his Master, whose Affairs
and Interests are much altered since his departure from
before Riga.
From Francfort upon the Maine, November. 12.
The Deputies of the Estates of the Empire who are here assembled,
have been deliberating upon the proceedings of the
Emperor, which have occasioned much jealousie, and if hee
carry on his designes, the Treaty of Munster will be broken,
and then a new warr in Germanie cannot be avoided
The differences grow more and between the Electors
of Mentz and Heydelberg, the former having by publick proclamation
in his principall City, laid a double Imposition upon
all Commodities brought thither out of the Palatinate.
From Rome. 28. Octob.
The last week, the Plague increased so much, that in one day
there dyed of it 103. Persons among which there were two
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