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Mercurius politicus, Number 367, 11th-18th June 1657 E.503[17]

2. That it shall be lawful to the Protestants, in case they
cannot have exercise of their Religion in the places of their
own habitation, to repair to the next places and Temples of
their own Religion, without any molestation. And shall have
liberty to build Churches at their own charges, without any
danger or losse of the Church goods they may claime, for
which they shall have power to agree with the Papists & c.
3. That whereas many years since, to the great greivance
of the Protestants, several great disorders have happened
in the Elections and settlement of the Officers for the places
of judicature common Counsel & other such places, the Protestant
either being debarred of the same, for suppressed, and
other unable and Ignorant men put in their places, contrary
to the Agreements Treatys, Projects and former Alliances,
whereby they were to enjoy the said Offices and places equally
with the Papists; It is found just and equall that the said
protestants might be called to and injoy the said Offices and
places for the future as in the other places and Cantons
where both Religions, professed.
4 That in the administration of Justice, the same shall be
rendred to all impartially, and without any regard to their
Religion, & c.
5 That incase any discontent should happen, or even any
Warr betwixt the Magistrates and Soveraines, the subjects of
either Religion the comon Baylywicks, shall stand newter,
without assisting or abbeting one party more then the
other, &c.
6 That concerning the charges of the Warr, which in the
Treaty of Peace have been reserved, it is evident that the
Same depend on the right and Justice of the Warr, and ought
to be laid on the party, who hath forced and obliged the other
to take up Armes, and so caused the Warr and the said expenses.
Therefore since the deniall of doing right is in all the
world, and chiefly, among the Switzers in all ages without
any contradiction, a sufficient ground of Warr, and that the
agreements and alliances do expresly say, that for avoiding
all disorders, Warres, and other inconveniences, the Imperial
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