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Mercurius politicus, Number 367, 11th-18th June 1657 E.503[17]

Law should without any exception or refusall be used [unr]
And the Action formerly passed in 1440 betwixt the praiseworty
Cantons of Zurich, Schwitz, and Glaris doth evidently
shew that every one is bound and ought not to refuse
to submit to the Imperial Law, but ought to yeild obedience
to it without any contradictor or excuse: and considering
that then the praiseworthy Canton of Zurick for refusing
the said Law, was compelled by force of Armes by the other
Kantons to yeeld and submitt thereunto; besides many other
examples, which do shew that even wh[unr]n some difference
doth happen about the Judicature, the Soveraignty and the
interest of Religion, the same ought to be decided by the Imperial
Therefore the prayseworthy Canton of Schwitz having at
this time not only refused the said Imperial Law, to the Canton
of Zurich, but having offered besides to limit the same, at
if it had been in their sole power, will and Arbitrary choice
to determine about what they will submit to the said Law,
or not. And their Deputys in the Dyte if Baden, in the
year 1655, after a strong and sharp protestation, full of
very susp[unr]ious and injurious expression, having withdrawn
themselves, and so broke all Treaties and agreements; and
in the mean while the 5 praise worthy popish Cantons having
secured all the common passes of the Towns of Bremggarden
and Me[unr]linguen, and garrisoned the same with Soldiers
and Commanders, intending to do the same in other places.
So that it is found that the praise wor[unr]hy Common of Zurick
hath been obliged and compelled to take up Arms, to prevent
their adversarys, for the security of their States, and so
to look for the inviolable Rich by their Swords and the
Justice of their ca[unr]s. Consequency it hath been adjudged
that the prayse worthy Canton of Zurich shall be reimbursed
of their Warlick ch[unr]ges by their Adversaries, and of so
much more, since before fore the breach the prayseworthy Canton
of Zurich, by their Deputys, have expresly declared that
they intended no, [unr] would not in any wise medie with
Soveraignty, Judicature and Religion of the Canton of
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