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Mercurius politicus, Number 50, 15th-22nd May 1651 E.629[7]

Numb. 50.
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the summe of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nations of
England, Ireland, and Scotland.
In defence of the Common-wealth, and
for Information of the People.
------It à vertere Seria. {Hor. De
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday May 15. to Thursday May. 22. 1651.
THe vanity of the Scots pretences touching the
late Tyrants execution was shewn in our last:
Their second pretence of enmity against us, is
grounded upon our rejection of his son. For
answer to this, let it be considered, whether
we had not cause to cast off that Tyrannick
Family, which the Scots themselves have pronounced guilty
of so much blood and mischief, and at the threshold of whose
dore, lies all the blood of the Saints that hath bin shed since
the first Reformation .
It must not be forgotten, how much was spilt by the Lady of
the hous of Lorain, that was K. James his grandmother, during
the time of her regency in Scotland. She being gon, her daughter,
and James his mother Mary succeeded, who massacred her
own husband by poyson, gunpowder, and halter, for the love
that she bare to a Fidler, and another of her Adulterers, by
name Bothwell; In defence of whom, and of the Whore of Babylon,
and her own Adulteries, she persecuted all the reformed
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