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Mercurius politicus, Number 57, 3rd-10th July 1651 E.636[5]

Countrey but Gallowoy and Athlone, which may take up some time.
My Lord Deputy on our advance is gotten over the Shanon: and now
lieth close unto Limerick &c.
I hope very speedily to open such a passage as that you shall heare often
from me &c.
From the Cast'e of Portumny. June the 9. 1651.
I have not any newes to write but this, that the Lord doth still manifest
himself by us his poor and contemptible creatures; Athlone Castle
hath surrendred and I have just now hostages delivered mee out of it for
the possession on Sunday; till when they have liberty to carry away
their goods; which being don I shall march towards Roscomon, which I
doubt not will be suddenly gained: for in truth all submit and none dare
look on us, so much hath the Lord taken away their hearts and courages
from them, &c. I hope you will as well by your publick acknowledgment
of Gods mercies, as private, give him the glory of these successes, &c.
From the Camp at Athlone, June 11.1651.
FRIDAY, July. 4.
Amsterdam, 30. June 1651.
WEE had newes yesterday from Marseilles, that there came a Galley
from Florence, which saw 8. of your Parliament's Ships,
but spake not with them. A while after, they met with Prince Rupert,
who had also 8.ships, and the Galley was feasted aboard on him. And
after that Prince Rupert had left them some while, and were out of fight
of him, They heard a very great shouting, so that they did verily beleeve
they were the Parliaments ships and that they and Prince Rupert were in
Fight. If so, by the next Post wee shall hear the Certainty how things
have gon.
Likewise from Legorn, wee hear that 4. English Merchants ships met
with 3 French men of warr, and made sail from them. The French had
a Frigat which Vantromp formerly sail'd in, and sold to the French; being
a good sailer she came up with the English merchant-men, thinking
to hold them in Play, till the other 2. came up: But they gave him such
a welcom, that they kill'd about 60 or 70. men, so that hee was glad he
got free of them; And so they went all away.
From Soade, 11. of June.
The Polish and Swedish Ambassadors do gather by degrees at Lubeck.
The Swedish is to come attended by 3. men of warr, and another Ambassador
of Sweden who is to go to the Emperor, with 3 other ships, is expected
at Wismar. Doctor Salurius goes in one man of war for Pomerania,
and the Governor of Listand to that Assigned place with other 3. ships;
so that most of their ships are now employed one where or other; but
they are to meet again shortly. It is much talked; that they are to goe
in service for the King of Portugall; but to what end, Time will shew.
The Convention of estates, or diet, is begun in Denmark, where the late
poysoning Business especially was examined, and the Rix-hoffmaster
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