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Mercurius politicus, Number 58, 10th-17th July 1651 E.637[11]

THURSDAY. July. 10.
Came this, of the 5. Instant, from Lithgow!
SIR! You shall not faile to know what is doing in this Scottish
Soile. Onr expectations of putting things to an Issue, by Battell
are yet delaied: Wee marched up towards the enemies Camp, with
a desire to invite them forth. But they continued within their Trenches,
as not being willing to give us a faire Field for it: Were drew
towards the Rivers side, about a mile from Falkirk, and encamped
with our whole Army there on wednesday night, Some few of our
men went a Pickeering over the River, While the chief Commanders
were busy in viewing the severall Passes: which way wee might
best come at them: But they found the places so streight and bogg
that in reason, it was a thing altogether unattemptable; And there
fore wee kept out Station, as not willing to hazard our Army upon so
mighty a dis advantage.
The Enemy in the night time, drew their Army in Battalia upon
the Brow of the hill, which looks down to the River, where we
lay; and placing some great Guns there, they discharged about fifty
Shot upon us: But though wee lay so open, and so near unto
them. Yet ( throught the goodnes of God) they did not much harm
us. Wee presently took the Alarm, and in a short time withdrew
our Army out of Gun shot. And that wee might give them room
and encouragement to follow us. Wee retreated as farr as Falkirkes;
but they ment nothing less than to come after us, not so much as
sending any considerable Party to charge us in the Rear.
Wee came on Thursday night, aud encamped about Litbgow,
bringing about 12. prisoners along with us. Wee percieve now, that
they have not so great a stomack to fight as they seem'd to give out;
neither, do I suppose, are they in so good a condition. Wee shall
make a second March that way, to trie what another Overture. Can
produce, And if they shall yet continue in their Fastnesses, wee
shall lie so as to endeavour to disappoint Them, of all the Provisions
and Levies which they expect out of the West Country.
You may be assured that wee shall use all prudentiall wayes to put
an end to our work; but none may think us so far berest of a Reason,
as to rush upon apparent Improbabilities. The work is the Lord's,
and wee are under the wing of christ in the management of it.
Lithgow, 5. July. 1651.
Wee had an Accounpt like wise from Capt. Penn at sea.
My last to you was from Gallery in Surdinia. Upon the 8. of this instant
by 3. shipps of London, who being homeward bound promised to Call
at Juica. (if possibly they Could) and take along with them our prize.
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