sialagift (OSw) sjalegift (ODan) sálugjöf (ON) siælagift (OSw) siælagæf (OSw) noun

A gift for the soul, one’s own or somebody else’s, often to a religious institution and restricted as to the amount allowed to be given. In OIce, also a mandatory gift as an addition to the tiund ‘tithe’ or as a contribution to the poor. Also a burial fee to the priest in OSw (as well as in ONorw, where it, however, only appears in later diplomas).

gift for the soul ODan ESjL 1
ODan JyL 1, 3

gift for the soul’s good OIce Grg Arþ 127
soul gift ODan SkBL
OIce KRA 11, 13
OSw HL Kkb
OSw SdmL Kkb

spiritual gift OSw YVgL Add Refs:

Fritzner s.v. sálagipt; Gerhold 2002, 206; Hertzberg s.v. sálugjöf; KLNM s.v. sjelegave

  • ‘sialagift’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.
