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A perfect summary of exact passages, Number 5, 19th-26th February 1649 E.527[26]

This committee or any 3. of them are to examine the powers given to the Committee
of the County of Kent, to compound with the delinquents in the late insurrection
there; And to examine the Actions of the said Committee thereupon, and
by what Rules they have proceeded touching the said Fines and Compositions; And
to examine whether they have pursued the said Rules.
Hen. Scobel, Cleric. Parliamenti
The Commons were acquainted that some papers were intercepted, from Prince
Charles, by which he should have been Proclamed King at Salisbury.
Tuesday Febr. 21.
LEtters from the Navy (this day) advertised, That Capt. Willoughby Commander
of the Nonsuch, hath taken a Ship belonging to the Irish of 300. Tun burden,
sayling off the lands end, and brought it in, for the Service of the parliament.
Captain Ball, Commander of the Adventure, had another Vessell, a Flemish bottom,
in Chase a little off from Garnsey, between that, and Portland, they gave each
other 3. broad sides, but at last the Enemy after many shot got away from Captain
Ball, through the fogg.
The Commons ordered (this day) an additionall Act to be ingrossed, concerning
the calling of Common Councels in London, upon the desires of the Commonalty,
That whereas it was formerly enacted (in case of the Lord Mayors refusall) that a
quorum of the Aldermen, and Common Councelmen should do it: Now, That in
case those Aldermen Fayle, yet the quorum of the Members of the Commoners to
have power to do it without them.
The Commons spent a long time (this day) in debate upon the Act for sale of
Deanes and Chapters Lands, which was againe committed with divers Amendments.
Die Martis 20. Febr. 1648.
Master Miles Corbet reports from the Committee of the Navie, That the
Committee of Merchants have contracted for 4. Merchants Ships to serve
in the next Summers Fleet, Viz. With Thomas Cheney, for the Ship called the Exchange
of London, whereof he is Master, with William Copping for the Elizabeth
of London, with Richard Wiltshire for the Jonas of London, and with John Hosier
for the Ship called the Magdalen of London, where of he is Master.
REsolved upon the Qustion by the Commons in Parliament Assembled, That this
House doth approve of the said fours ships, to goe with the said foure Masters
in the next Summers Fleet.
Hen. Scobell Cler. Parliamenti.
Ordered by the Commons Assembled in Parliament, That the last 3000 l. of the
remainder of the last 5000 l. which was payable to the Scots, and is now transferred
to the use of the Navie, shall be a credit for raising 3000 l. for the ma[nl]ymed souldiers.
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