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Mercurius politicus, Number 204, 4th-11th May 1654 E.735[8]

arisen between the Common-wealth of England the King of Denmark,
by reason of the detention of the ships and goods mentioned
in the former Article, and the States General of the United Provinces
have undertaken the restitution of the said ships and goods, and
agreed to give security and caution for the dammages in the manner
exprest in the former Article; It is agreed and concluded that the
same being done and performed, all questions, strises, wrongs and acts
of hostility between the said Common-wealth and King, by reason
of the said detention, shall cease and be for ever forgotten, in such
manner, that the said King with his, Kingdoms and Dominions shall
as a friend, be comprehended and included in this Treaty and Confederation,
so as to be restored to the same friendship and alliance
with either Commonwealth, in which formerly he was, before the
said detention, and as if it had never been. As also his Deputies and
Ambassadors shall be admitted with like honor as the Deputies and
Ambassadors of other States are being Friends and Allies.
XXX. Item, agreed, that, at the time of the delivery of the Instruments
of Ratification, four Commissioners shall be nominated on
both sides to meet here at London, upon the eighteenth day of
May next old style, who shall be authorized and impowered, as
also by these presents they are authorized and impowered to examine
and determine all the losses and injuries which either side
alledges to have sustained from the other since the year One thousand
six hundred and eleven, unto the eighteen day of May,
1652. old style, as well in the East Iudies, as in Groenland, Muscovy,
Brazed or in any other place: the particulars of all which are to be
delivered into the Commissioners nominated as above, before the said
eighteenth day of May under this restriction, that after the said day
prefixed no new allegations shall be admitted. And if the above-said
Commissioners shall not within three months space, to be accounted
from the said eighteenth day of May, come to an agreement,
concerning the differences aforesaid delivered in writing & expressed
in particulars; That in such cafe the aforesaid differences shall be
submitted, as by these presents they are submitted, to the judgment &
arbitration of the Protestaut Cantons of Swisserland, who by an Instrument
for this purpose (the form of which is already agreed upon)
shall be desired to take upon them that Arbitration, and appoint like
Commissioners impowred & instructed to give final judgment therupon
within six months next following after the expiration, of the
three Moneths aforesaid. And whatsoever the said Commissioners
or the major part of them, shall award and determine within the said
six months, shall oblige both parties, and be performed accordingly.
XXXI. It is also agreed. That both parties shall firmly and truly
perform and observe this present Treaty, and every Article and thing
contained and concluded therein; and shall cause the same to bee
performed and observed by their respective People, Subjects and Inhabitants.
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