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Mercurius politicus, Number 204, 4th-11th May 1654 E.735[8]

Take next the Copy of a Congratulatien presented
in the name of the County of Buckingham
as followeth. It should have been published
a while since, but by accident, it lingered
till now. It was presented to his Highness by
Sir Richard Temple, and Sir Heneage Proby, and about
30 Gentlemen.
To his Highness the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth
of England, Scotland, and Ireland.
The Congratulation of us the Knights, Gentlemen,
Ministers and Yeomen of the County of Bucks.
WE do desire to rejoin in the hand of Divine
Providence over your Highness
in all the dangers of Warr (which have been many
and great) in which the Lord of Hosts hath
protected your Highness, and hath made you
nently Instrumental of the great good of Peace
and Quiet, which for the present we enjoy. And
whereas of late we were finking, and should have
stuck fad in the Quicksands of Trouble and
Confusion (which fiery and furious spirits did
desire to have seen) we with thankfulness and
Admiration do acknowledge the late Turn of
Providence, in that we, (which yet are upon the
troubled Sea) do now fee Land, and have a foundation
of some settled Government held out unto
us. And as it is the peoples duty to strengthen
the hands of their Governours, so we (in
this our Address to your Highness) do engage
our selves to stand by and assist you to the uttermost
in the discharge of the Trust which so
remarkably is devolved upon you: in the promoting
of the Cause and Interest of Jesus Christ,
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